Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program


Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs

Licence number: 5590
Title: Molybdenum Plant Stack Management and Monitoring Plan
Start date: 30 Mar 2023
Licence Condition
By 30 June 2023 the Licensee prepare and submit to the EPA a Management and Monitoring Plan for the Molybdenum Plant. The plan must: must be prepared by a suitably qualified person. identify all potential fugitive and point source emissions from the plant. identify all monitoring which is proposed for associated emissions from the plant. detail the operational measures used for ensuring the representativeness of emission measurements during monitoring including any procedures relating to operating conditions and process data and recording. describe the quality assurance and quality control procedures used for collecting, verifying, and reporting emission monitoring data. detail procedures for routine inspections and maintenance of the plant. identify how risks are managed at the site, including chemical handling, emissions, radiation sources and any other identified environmental risks. identify the remaining stages of plant commissioning and expected time frames for completion.